Endovenous Procedures

Endovenous Ablation
Minimal invasive procedure to treat great or small saphenous veins with laser (EVLT), radiofrequncy (RFA), or glue (VenaSeal). It is used to treat large refluxing veins to eliminate the cause of varicose veins. It is frequently used in association with sclerotherapy.
Compression Hose
All treatments require compression hose. Compression hose have been proven to be very effective to present varicose vein progression. Although stockings cannot eliminate varicose veins, they can successfully relieve discomfort and tiredness associated with mild varicose veins. When varicose veins are more severe, compression stockings are a mandatory aide to make endovenous treatment more successful .Graduated compression stockings prevent blood from pooling in the legs and thereby improve circulation. They come in a variety of styles and colors and even if you have not been able to wear compression stockings before a satisfactory pair can be found if searched for. At the Fitzgibbons Vein Center (FVC) we pride ourselves on our knowledge of stockings and the ability to find a pair that will suit you.
Duplex Ultrasound
Before treatment is initiated, a comprehensive duplex ultrasound will be done. This shows the refluxing veins that are not visible and are the cause of the varicose veins. Then a treatment plan can be customized to eliminate the varicose veins. The information from Duplex Ultrasound is critical to treatment success.
Used to treat smaller varicose veins and spider veins. Spider veins are easily seen and treated under direct vision, frequently with magnification. Veins just under the skin that cause spider veins are called reticular veins and are easily seen with the vein light (see image below). Deeper veins can be treated with ultrasound guidance.
VARITHENA is a drug/device combination product that generates injectable foam used to treat incompetent great saphenous veins, accessory saphenous veins, and visible varicosities of the great saphenous vein system above and below the knee. It improves the symptoms of superficial venous reflux disease as well as improving the appearance of varicose veins.
The injectable foam is composed of a liquid and gas phase, both of which are necessary to have its therapeutic effect. VARITHENA is intended to act as follows: (1) the foam displaces blood from the vein to be treated, and (2) the polidocanol then scleroses the vein wall.